Home > Products > Top End Interactive Guide Android App

The Top End Interactive Guide is currently unavailable.

You can download and install the Top End Interactive Guide app onto your Android (Google) phone.

The app contains 30 movies showing most aspects of the Top End with emphasis on Kakadu National Park.

The movies in the app are contained in the app so you do not need to have an Internet connection to view them.

Use the following button to buy the app and then download it to your Android phone for installation.

Temporary Unavailable

You may get a warning that the app is not coming from the Google Play Store - that is because it is a bit large for the store. However, you can download it from this site with complete safety.

Below are the menus in the app showing the variety of topics being covered.


Each video can be watched in portrait and landscape on your phone. The portrait screen shows additional information about the topic plus a link to our web site with further information.

Watch the sample video.


The landscape screen displays the video in full screen without additional information.